Method of Appointment


  1. Candidates are considered for appointment on the basis of effective teaching potential, professional preparation for and competence in a specific instructional field, scholarship, and Christian character.

  2. When a faculty vacancy occurs or an addition to an academic department is anticipated, the department chair informs the Chief Academic Officer. After approval by the CAO, the department chair, in consultation with the members of the department, initiates a search for the most qualified candidates. During the departmental evaluation, comments concerning the potential candidates are sought from at least two academically-related departments on campus. Upon completion of the departmental evaluation, the names of potential candidates with professional qualifications and experience are communicated in writing by the chair to the officer. Following the guidelines for rank and tenure, evaluative data on each candidate, along with proposed rank and tenure status, are sent to the President. The President, following approval by the Board Sub-Committee for Academic Planning, presents the final recommendation to the Board of Trustees, which makes all tenure-track appointments.

  3. In accordance with the standards adopted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, it is the policy of the University to employ in tenure-track positions faculty members who are members in good and regular standing of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

  4. Non-tenure-track faculty are essential to the life and learning of the University. These faculty hold academic rank, have the same responsibilities as tenure-track faculty, and participate in regular performance evaluations (see Responsibilities).

  5. Appointments are neither made nor refused on the basis of gender, race, color, disability, or national origin. The University reserves constitutional and statutory rights as a religious institution and employer to give preference to Seventh-day Adventists for appointment in tenure-track positions. Department chairs, the administration, and the Board of Trustees should take into account the University's need for a diverse faculty.

  6. The terms of appointment will be consistent with the provisions of the Governance Handbook (including rank, tenure, salary, and future status) and are in each case a matter of written statement. One copy of this statement is to be furnished by the President serving as secretary of the board to each of the following: the appointee, department chair, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Academic Officer, and the Director of Human Resources. The agreement is not considered valid and complete until the appointee has accepted in writing. A sample letter of appointment and a new faculty employment form are included in Appendix E: New Faculty Hiring Letter and Employment Form. The President, in consultation with the Director of Human Resources, is responsible for revisions to Appendix E.

  7. Unless otherwise specified in the agreement, all new appointments begin September 1 and end June 30. Subsequent appointments are for twelve months, beginning July 1.

  8. The University recognizes the potential value to the individual and to the institution of faculty members' engaging in legitimate professional activities outside the University, not involving conflict of interest. "Legitimate" is considered here to imply contributing to and not detracting from the professional standing of faculty members or the best interest of the University.

    "Conflict of interest" is defined here as engaging in any outside activity that reduces the effectiveness and quality of a faculty member's regular service to the University and to its students, or that results in unauthorized gain to a faculty member at the expense of the University or its students.

    The following guidelines apply:

    1. Faculty members may engage in legitimate extra-mural, income-producing, professional activities not involving conflict of interest.

    2. Full-time faculty members will on a yearly basis notify their department chairs and the chief academic officer before engaging in any on-going extra-mural, income-producing, professional activities during periods of regular employment (times other than vacation time or non-assigned periods).

    3. The Chief Academic Officer, in consultation with a faculty member and the department chair, will deny permission to engage in income-producing activities that involve conflict of interest or detract from the best interest of the University.

    4. University resources and the university name may be used in connection with outside activities only with approval of the department chair and subsequent written permission by the Chief Academic Officer.

    5. Activities normally considered acceptable and, in some cases, desirable are, for instance, those that will increase the teaching or scholarly competence of the faculty member; those that will be of service to the extended academic community; those that are necessary for re-certification, for retention and improvement of clinical skills, or for meeting continuing education requirements; and those that are incidental and will not detract from the ability of the faculty member to meet responsibilities of teaching, academic advisement, research, and governance.

  9. It is the policy of the University that parent and child, husband and wife, or persons otherwise closely related not be simultaneously employed in positions such that one is under the supervision of the other.