3.1.4 Librarians


The Director of Libraries administers the University's libraries, including the one on the Portland campus, and is responsible to the Chief Academic Officer.


  1. Choice

    The nomination of the Director of Libraries is made by the Vice President for Academic Administration, the professional librarians, and the Library Committee and is submitted to the Board of Trustees by the President.

  2. Duties

    1. The director is the executive officer of the campus libraries and is responsible to the Vice President for Academic Administration. It is the director's responsibilities to maintain a two-way communication between the administration and library personnel. The director has a special responsibility to ensure that library concerns are conveyed to University Senate and to communicate Senate actions to the library staff.

    2. The director develops effective strategies for library management, collection development, planning and implementing of technical advances, and all other library services according to standard library procedure.

    3. The director assists the Vice President for Academic Administration in finding suitable candidates for vacancies in the department; in submitting recommendations for advancement in rank, appointment to tenure status, membership in professional associations, and attendance at conventions; and in other ways attending to the professional needs of the staff.

    4. The director coordinates the financial matters of the University's libraries, submitting annual budgets for operation, maintenance, improvement, and equipment to the Vice President for Academic Administration.

    5. The director maintains communication among the students, faculty, administrators, staff, and community members in matters concerning library services.

    6. The director maintains campus policy relating to the privacy of library user records (Appendix O.3: Library Privacy Policy) and, in consultation with the Vice President for Academic Administration, revises policies in accordance with state and federal laws.

    7. The director fosters cooperation with other libraries.

    8. The director serves on the Library Committee.