2.1.4 Vice President for Student Life and Mission


The Vice President for Student Life and Mission serves as the chief student administration officer and is responsible to the President for overseeing campus spiritual and social activities, representing student interests to the President, and ensuring that student life is in harmony with the university mission.


In carrying out the responsibilities of his or her office, the vice president is expected to

  1. Act as the administrator in charge of university affairs in the absence of the President, the Vice President for Academic Administration, and the Vice President for Financial Administration

  2. Be responsible for continual evaluation of all phases of student experience other than academic, archive evaluative data, and report such information as requested by appropriate university administrators

  3. Direct the administration of university policies governing student experience in areas other than academic

  4. Serve as executive officer in the administration of discipline to students

  5. Coordinate the work of the residence hall deans on the College Place and Portland campuses, and administer off-campus housing requests

  6. Supervise the operation of ASWWU (and all student-based organizations); the Campus Health & Wellness, Counseling and Testing Services, Food Services, Campus Security, Student Activities, Village Student Life, the Chaplain's Office, Campus Ministries, Student Missions, and Village Property Management

  7. Serve as chair of the Campus Life Committee, Resident Life Council, Departmental Directors, Discipline Committee, and Housing Committee, and serve on campus committees related to student life and mission as directed by policy or the President

  8. Serve as co-sponsor of ASWWU

  9. Be responsible for the preparation and publication of the Student Handbook

  10. Maintain custody of student personnel records

  11. Oversee planning and conducting of CommUnity programming

  12. Maintain campus policy relating to the privacy of campus health records (Appendix O.2: Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)) and, in consultation with the Campus Health Director, revise policies in accordance with state and federal law

  13. Perform such other duties and functions as the President may assign